Journal Articles:
Robert G. Rabil, “The Tragedies of Political Maronitism,” The National Interest, September 7, 2023.
Robert G. Rabil, "Lebanon-Turkey Relations: Reclaiming the 'Sword' and 'Crescent' of Islam," Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, March 2, 2021.
Robert G. Rabil, "Bordering on a Solution," The National Interest, No. 163, Sep/Oct 2019
Robert G. Rabil, "Fathi Yakan the Pioneer of Islamic Activism in Lebanon," The Levantine Review, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Spring 2013)
Hezbollah, the Islamic Association and Lebanon’s Confessional System: Al-Infitah and Lebanonization? Article published by The Levantine Review, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring 2012)
Hezbollah: Lebanon’s Power Broker. Article published by the Journal of International Security Affairs, No. 15 (Fall 2008)
Has Hezbollah's Rise Come at Syria's Expense?. Article published by the Middle East Quarterly, (Fall 2007)
Syria: Buying Time. Article published by the Journal of International Security Affairs, No. 11 (Fall 2006)
The Making of Saddam’s Executioners: A Manual of Oppression by Procedures. Article published in Middle East Review of International Affairs Journal (MERIA), Vol. 7, No. 2 (March 2003).
The Iraqi Opposition’s Evolution: From Conflict to Unity?. Article published in Middle East Review of International Affairs Journal (MERIA), Vol. 6, No. 4 (December 2002).
Operation “Termination of Traitors”: The Iraqi Regime Through Its Documents. Article published in
Middle East Review of International Affairs Journal (MERIA), Vol. 6, No. 3 (September 2002).
The Ineffective Role of the U.S. in the U.S.-Israeli-Syrian Relationship. Article published in Middle East Journal, Vol. 55, No. 3 (Summer 2001)
The Maronites and the Question of Syrian Withdrawal from Lebanon: From “Isolationists” to to“Traitors”? Article published in Middle East Policy, Vol. 8, No. 3 (September 2001)
Book Chapters:
"Lebanon" World Almanac of Islamism, American Foreign Policy Council, 2011. http://almanac.afpc.org/Lebanon.
"The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood," in Barry Rubin, ed. The Muslim Brotherhood:
The Organization and Policies of a Global Movement (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).
“Lebanon,” in Barry Rubin, ed. Guide To Islamist Movements
(London: M.E. Sharpe, 2010).
Power Points:
"UAE Israel Peace 2020," Click here to watch.
Youtube Video on US-Iran Mounting Tensions and the Threat of a Military Confrontation
Salafism In Lebanon. Click here to download.
Robert G. Rabil, "Americans Must Stop the March to World War III over Ukraine," The National Interest, July 10, 2023.
Robert G. Rabil, “Can Federalism Succeed in Lebanon?” Fikra Forum, Washington Institute For Near East Policy, March 20, 2023
English: https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/can-federalism-work-lebanon
Arabic: https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/ar/policy-analysis/hl-ymkn-llfydralyt-tnjh-fy-lbnan
Robert G. Rabil, "Debate: Why Heilbrunn Gets Ukraine and Putin All Wrong," The National Interest, January 28, 2023.
Robert G. Rabil, "Has the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Doomed the Dollar," The National Interest, December 23, 2022,
Robert G. Rabil, "Mohammad Bin Salman Has Forged a Third Way for the Arab World," The National Interest, July 19, 2022.
Robert G. Rabil, "Lebanon's Current Crisis Echoes its World War I Great Famine," The National Interest, September 14, 2021.
Robert Rabil and Luis Fleischman, "After Israel-Hamas Ceasefire, What Next?" The Palm Beach Post, May 26, 2021.
Robert G. Rabil, "The Armenian Genocide, Maronite Starvation, and the Lessons in Past Atrocities," Fikra Forum, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, May 12, 2021.
Robert G. Rabil, "China Is America's Beast from Hell," The National Interest, April 5, 2021.
Robert G. Rabil, "The Biden Administration Needs a Viable Foreign Policy Multilateral Approach," Eurasia Review, March 23, 2021.
Robert G. Rabil, "Chaos in the Caucasus: Why a New Regional War Would be Catastrophic," National Interest, October 25, 2020.
Robert G. Rabil, "Heir to the Ottomans," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Middle East Center, October 16, 2020.
Robert G. Rabil, "Bashir's Farm and the Tragedy of Lebanon - OpEd," Eurasia Review, August 14, 2020.
Robert G. Rabil, "Lebanon is a Lightning Rod for Political Currents in the Arab World," The National Interest, July 17, 2020.
Robert G. Rabil, "Domestic Threats in the Era of Nationalism," The National Interest, June 21, 2020.
Robert G. Rabil, "Israel and the China Connection," The National Interest, June 7, 2020.
Robert G. Rabil, "Why America Has Misdiagnosed Russia’s Role in Syria," The National Interest, May 27, 2020.
Robert G. Rabil, "The Middle East Can't Fight A War Against Both Coronavirus And Iran" The National Interest, March 31, 2020.
Robert G. Rabil, "Russia's Strategy for the Middle East: Stabilize, Revitalize, Create Chaos" The National Interest, March 14, 2020. https://nationalinterest.org/feature/russias-strategy-middle-east-stabilize-revitalize-create-chaos-133177
Robert G. Rabil, “The Inevitable Middle-East War” Eurasia Review, February 21, 2020. https://www.eurasiareview.com/21022020-the-inevitable-middle-east-war-oped/
Robert G. Rabil, "Saving the Revolution and Lebanon," Eurasia Review, January 23. 2020. https://www.eurasiareview.com/23012020-saving-the-revolution-and-lebanon-oped/
Robert G. Rabil, "Why America Should Keep Supporting the Lebanese Armed Forces," National Interest, December 4, 2019. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/why-america-should-keep-supporting-lebanese-armed-forces-102092
Robert G. Rabil, "The True Value of Lebanon's Armed Forces," National Interest, December 3, 2019. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/true-value-lebanons-armed-forces-101512?page=0%2C1
Robert G. Rabil, "The Trump Administration Is Tackling One of the World's Most Dangerous Border Disputes," The National Interest, August 11, 2019. https://nationalinterest.org/feature/trump-administration-tackling-one-worlds-most-dangerous-border-disputes-72306
Robert G. Rabil, "The Moribund Legacy of Arab Nationalism - Analysis," Eurasia Review, June 21, 2019.
Robert G. Rabil, "Defeating the Islamic State of Idlib," The National Interest, June 13, 2019.
Robert G. Rabil, "The Iran Crisis and Washington Strategic Miscalculation- An analysis," Eurasia Review, May 19, 2019. https://www.eurasiareview.com/19052019-the-iran-crisis-and-washington-strategic-miscalculation-analysis/
Robert G. Rabil, "Tending to Israel's Relationship with Russia", BESA Center for Strategic Studies, December, 26, 2018. https://besacenter.org/perspectives-papers/israel-russia-relationship/
Robert G. Rabil, "ISIS Isn't Dead Yet, The National Interest, September 1, 2018. https://nationalinterest.org/feature/isis-isnt-dead-yet-30152?page=0%2C1
Robert G. Rabil, "Contextualizing Jihad and Takfir in the Sunni Conceptual Framework," The Washington Institute, Fikra Forum, August 31, 2018. https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/fikraforum/view/contextualizing-jihad-and-takfir-in-the-sunni-conceptual-framework
Robert G. Rabil, "Contextualizing Jihad and Takfir in the Shi'a Conceptual Framework," The Washington Institute, Fikra Forum, August 31, 2018. https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/fikraforum/view/contextualizing-jihad-and-takfir-in-the-shia-conceptual-framework
Robert G. Rabil, "Donald Trump Is Reshaping the Middle East--in Russia's Favor," The Washington Post, August 22, 2018. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/made-by-history/wp/2018/08/22/donald-trump-is-reshaping-the-middle-east-in-russias-favor/?utm_term=.a8819ecd2ce2
Robert G. Rabil, “The Distortion of Islam That Drives Terrorism,” The Washington Post, August 1, 2018. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/made-by-history/wp/2018/08/01/the-distortion-of-islam-that-drives-terrorism/?utm_term=.90facf37f158
Robert G. Rabil, “Trump Should Prioritize Fighting Terrorism,” The National Interest, July 18, 2018. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/trump-should-prioritize-fighting-terrorism-26141
Robert G. Rabil, “Syria’s Victory and Israel’s Predicament,” Eurasia Review, July 12, 2018. https://www.eurasiareview.com/12072018-syrias-victory-and-israels-predicament-oped/
Robert G. Rabil "Kissinger's World Order, United States and Russia In The Middle East - Analysis" Eurasia Review, September 3, 2017. http://www.eurasiareview.com/03092017-kissingers-world-order-united-states-and-russia-in-the-middle-east-analysis/
Robert G. Rabil "The Coming Gulf War: Qatar vs. Everyone" The National Interest, June 27, 2017. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/the-coming-gulf-war-qatar-vs-everyone-21342
Robert G. Rabil "How Muslim Extremists Exploit European Liberalism" The National Interest, June 12, 2017. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/how-muslim-extremists-exploit-european-liberalism-21125
Robert G. Rabil "Does Donald Trump Know He's Helping Saudi Arabia Ruin Yemen?" The National Interest, May 4, 2017. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/does-donald-trump-know-hes-helping-saudi-arabia-ruin-yemen-20498
Robert G. Rabil "The Syria Crisis Has Evolved Into An International Power Struggle" The National Interest, April 18, 2017. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/the-syria-crisis-has-evolved-international-power-struggle-20252
Robert G. Rabil "The Burkini Isn't A Religious Duty" The National Interest, September 14, 2016. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/the-burkini-isnt-religious-duty-17712
Robert G. Rabil, "Is Peace In Syria Finally Within Reach?" The National Interest, July 19, 2016. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/peace-syria-finally-within-reach-17035
Robert G Rabil, "Profiling Muslims Is Bad. So Is Ignoring Radical Islam.", The National Interest, May 25, 2016
Robert G Rabil, "God, Paris and Islam: How Salafism Challenges France’s Church-State Relationship", The National Interest, Dec 3, 2015
Robert G Rabil, What Russia really fears in Syria, The National Interest, Oct 7, 2015
Robert G. Rabil, "Syria's Changing Landscape,"
The National Interest, May 5, 2015.
Robert G. Rabil, “Why America Needs to Beware of Saudi Wahhabism,”
The National Interest, May 18, 2015.
Robert G. Rabil, "The ISIS Chronicles: A History"
The National Interest, July 17, 2014.
Robert G. Rabil, "Moral Outrage Necessitates Defining a Strategy for Syria,"
e-International Relations, September 16, 2013.
Robert G. Rabil, "Syria as Part of Aggressive Iranian Strategy,"
The National Interest, June 18, 2013.
Robert G. Rabil, "The Syrian Stalemate," The National Interest, January 7, 2013.
Syria: The Death of a Nation? e-International Relations, June 4, 2012.
Hizbollah VS Israel: The Coming Clash. Article published by OpenDemocracy, March 9, 2010.
Lebanon at the Crossroads. Article published by OpenDemocracy, May 6, 2009.
Barack Obama's Middle East: Pragmatism and Hope. Article published by OpenDemocracy, June 1, 2009.
Hizbollah and Lebanon: The Curse of a State. Article published by OpenDemocracy, May 21, 2008.
Salafists VS.Liberals: The Struggle for Islam. Article published In The National Interest, January 31, 2005.
Neglected Duty: Terrorism’s Justification. Article co-authored with Walid Phares and
published In The National Interest, Vol. 3, Issue 18, May 5, 2004.
Iraqi Memories. Article published In The National Interest, Vol. 3, Issue 9, March 3, 2004.
Reform in Syria? Prospects and Assessments. Article published In The National Interest,
Vol. 2, Issue 47, December 3, 2003.
Holding Syria to Account? Article published in the In The National Interest,
Vol. 2, Issue 43, November 5, 2003.
Short Articles and Op-eds:
Robert G. Rabil, “Ron DeSantis Is Right on Russia and Ukraine,” Sun Sentinel, April 4, 2023.
Assad’s Impending Victory Raises Stakes for Security in Israel, The Palm Beach Post, July 16, 2018. https://www.pressreader.com/usa/the-palm-beach-post/20180716
Robert G. Rabil, "U.S. Should Flex Muscle to Help Syria," Sun Sentinel, May 20, 2013.
Robert G. Rabil, "The Endless Syrian Spring," Euro-Atlantic Quarterly, (Winter 2012).
Arab Uprisings Boost Israel's Enemies, National Interest, September 5, 2012.
The Battle for Aleppo, National Interest, August 14, 2012.
Salafists Rise in Syria, National Interest, August 7, 2012.
Syria and the Power of Sectarian Strife, National Interest, July 2, 2012.
Why the U.S. Must Step Carefully in Syria, CNN, January 3, 2012.
Christianity Is in Danger in the Middle East, History News Network, October 31, 2011.
Russia Seeks Syrian Foothold in Mideast, The National Interest, October 21, 2011.
Why Assad Is Not Worried about Obama. National Interest, September 12, 2011.
Top 5 Things Everyone Should Know about Syria. National Interest, August 25, 2011.
Syria to Become Iranian Vassal or Saudi Ally? American Thinker, June 13, 2011.
Muslims in U.S. Have Opportunity to Influence other Muslims in the Rest of the World.
SunSentinel, June 18, 2009.
Washington Should Disown Middle East Rulers and Engage the People.
Palm Beach Post, February 25, 2011. http://www.pressreader.com/usa/the-palm-beach-post/20110226/281904474671768
Support Jordan’s Monarchy to Maintain Stability in Middle East. TCPALM, February 24, 2011. http://archive.tcpalm.com/opinion/robert-g-rabil-support-jordans-monarchy-to-maintain-stability-in-middle-east-ep-387242094-345209472.html?page=1
Obama Must Use Pragmatism over Hope in Middle East. SunSentinel, May 31, 2009.
Lebanon's Presidential Crisis, Policy Watch No. 1310, The Washington
Institute for Near East Policy, November 26, 2007.
The Lebanese Government and the U.S...Allies behind doors?
History News Network, August 24, 2007.
Lebanon Divided. OpenDemocracy. August 6, 2007.
Lebanon, Syria, Iran: Lessons of Sharm el-Sheikh. OpenDemocracy, May 11, 2007.
Why a Multinational Force Is Essential in Lebanon. Policy Watch No. 1136,
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, August 4, 2006.
Trust Allah, Not Nasrallah: The Hizballah Crisis Reshapes Lebanese Politics. Policy
Watch No. 1134, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, August 2, 2006.
Syria’s Regime Writes its Own Future in the Sand. Daily Star, May 24, 2006.
Khaddam’s Revelations: Is the Asad Regime Unraveling? Policy Watch No. 1068,
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, January 6, 2006.
The U.N. Report on Lebanon You Probably Haven’t Heard Of. The New Republic Online, November 22, 05.
Reinforcing Lebanon’s Sovereignty. Policy Watch No. 1047,
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, November 8, 2005.
Syria’s Response to the Mehlis Report. Policy Watch No. 1038,
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, October 24, 2005.
The Countdown for Bashar al-Asad and Lebanon. Policy Watch No. 1035,
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, October 4, 2005.
The Real Message of U.S. Pressure on Syria. Article published in the Daily Star, September 29, 2005.
http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_ID=10& article_ID=18871&categ_id=5.
Impact of the UN Investigation into the Hariri Assassination. Policy Watch No. 1031,
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, September 9, 2005.
Baath Party Congress in Damascus: How Much Change in Syria? Policy Watch No. 1000,
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, June 2, 2005.
How Is Syria Ruled? Policy Watch No. 992. The Washington Institute for
Near East Policy, May 9, 2005.
Syrian Strategy in Lebanon. Policy Watch No. 980. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, March 28, 2005.
The Role of International Monitors and Observers in the Lebanese Elections.
Policy Watch No. 977. Article co-authored with Patrick Clawson,
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, March 22, 2005.
From Beirut to Algiers: The Arab League’s Role in the Lebanon Crisis. Policy Watch No. 976. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, March 21, 2005.
Syria and the Polarization of Lebanese Politics. Policy Watch No. 961.
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, February 18, 2005.
Arabs Must Apply Their Political Culture in the Process of Change. Article published in the Daily Star, February 2, 2005.
Expecting the Worst in Lebanon Is Self-Fulfilling. Article published in The Daily Star, December 3, 2004
Two Dangerous Ideas for Iraq’s Future. Article published in the Daily Star, October 16, 2004.
The Syrians Have Made a Big Mistake. Article published in the Daily Star, September 1, 2004.
Feeding an Arab Sense of Victimization. Article published in the Daily Star, August 4, 2004.
Prime Minister’s Coalition-building Serves Iraqis Well. Article co-authored with Walid Phares
and published in the Chicago Sun-Times, July 30, 2004.
De-Bathification Went Too Far. Article co-authored with Walid Phares and
published in History News Network (HNN), May 3, 2004.
U.S. Trouble Means More Chances for Mullahs. Article co-authored with Walid Phares and
published in Sun-Sentinal, April 29, 2004.
Resistance Myths. Article co-authored with Walid Phares and published in The Wall Street Journal, April 13, 2004.
Serious on Syria: Washington Is at Critical Juncture. Article co-authored with Walid Phares and
published in the National Review Online, December 15, 2003.
Syria in an American and Israeli Corner. Article co-authored with Joshua Pollack and published in the Daily Star
(Beirut), October 14, 2003. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2003/Oct-14/111988-syria-in-an-american-and-israeli-corner.ashx
Chalabi Is Right, Indefatigable and also Self-Serving. Article published in the Daily Star, September 16, 2003. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2003/Sep-16/112473-chalabi-is-right-indefatigable-and-also-self-serving.ashx
Now Anti-Semites Are Citing Harry Truman. Article published in the History News Network (HNN), September 8, 2003.
Getting the Help in Iraq that Lebanon Didn’t. Article published in the Daily Star (Beirut), August 6, 2003.
Syria’s Misplaced Optimism. Article published in the Daily Star, July 17, 2003. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2003/Jul-17/111163-syrias-misplaced-optimism.ashx
The Anxiety of Iraq’s Sunnis. Article published in the Daily Star, July 9, 2003.
Intellectuals Seek Path to Syrian Reform. Article published in the Daily Star, June 9, 2003. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2003/Jun-09/109981-intellectuals-seek-path-to-syrian-reform.ashx
Understanding America Is Key to Improving its Foreign Policy. Article Published in the Daily Star, May 29, 2003.
Powell’s Stick-and-Carrot Policy Leaves Damascus with Hard Choices. Article published in the Daily Star, May 13, 2003. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2003/May-13/112304-powells-stick-and-carrot-policy-leaves-damascus-with-hard-choices.ashx
Religion as a Channel to Assert Political Rights. Article published in the Daily Star, May 8, 2003. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2003/May-08/110988-religion-as-a-channel-to-assert-political-rights.ashx
Syria Must Act Quickly to Avert US Pressure. Article published in Daily Star, April 22, 2003. http://www.dailystar.com.lb//Opinion/Commentary/2003/Apr-24/102640-syria-must-act-quickly-to-avert-us-pressure.ashx
Saddam Turned Neighbor Against Neighbor. Article published in History News Network (HNN), February 24, 2003
How Did the Iraqi Opposition Come into Existence? Article published in History News Network (HNN), January 6, 2003. http://hnn.us/articles/1196.html.
Should We Be Worried About Hezbollah? Article Published in History News Network (HNN), December 23, 2002.